
Creative Commons License
What I Would Do To Avoid A Mental Breakdown by Janna Herchenroder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Friday, September 23, 2011

The Invisible Elephant

If you switched places with me,
You would never understand
Why nobody was looking at you,
Why nobody listened when you spoke,
When they shoved past you without apology,
Without even a glance in your direction.
If you were me,
You would have to learn faster than I have
What it’s like to be invisible,
What it’s like when a compliment is passed your way,
Like the occasional dog treat for the good girl.
Harden your stare,
Because you know that if they look at you
It’s because there’s a stain on your shirt, you tripped and fell or your shirt is ripped.
Some people will be kind,
But it is hard to hide their pity,
I know,
I’ve studied them.
When you’re me, and I’m you,
When you stand next to me,
You will feel like an invisible elephant.
So big they have to pretend hard that you’re not there.


  1. Cesar Milan has a very successful career teaching dog owners about the attitude and energy we exude. He instructs the owner on what that has to be in their situation...and 'she' has to take on that personna in order to own the role of pack leader, otherwise the dog is Not going to respect her and give her the role she desires. (I always recall the one where he relates that this woman should think about herself as the Highschool girl with the clicky attitude! :) Once you perfect the attitude the dog gets it! You are IT to him!

    Point: You go where your eyes go when you drive or when you ride your horse for instance. AND YOU GO in your world where your mind sees you. You see yourself as invisible and you will be invisible. Walk with confidence and you will not be missed. Watch Cesar! Be Cesar.

  2. Oh, btw, the writing, um, like the quality of the piece? It was really good!! :) Awesome even!
