
Creative Commons License
What I Would Do To Avoid A Mental Breakdown by Janna Herchenroder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I wish I had a million dollars! Hot Dog!

Well, I found a college that I really love. It has my major; there is even the option to to minor in Irish Literature!! The study abroad options are to Ireland and England. It sounds so perfect. My mother and I went to visit the campus this past weekend. It was so beautiful and the on-campus housing that I was offered was better than most sophomores get :)
We did not just go up to look at the campus. First we looked at horse barns nearby and met with trainers. I would love to bring Geronimo up with me! He is 4 years old and has a locking stifle. If he and I don't work on our working relationship soon, we will not be able to reach any of my goals. He might not recover from his injury if he isn't worked out of it by the time he is fully grown. So I am working within a time frame on both my education and my horse. Both require money.
I am unable to get a loan to finish paying the college bill. That's what this all comes down to. This is the problem with parents going through divorce, putting all my money into horses (which, no matter what happens, was SO worth it). That is all okay if I didn't get to glimpse what I could have. Everything was going so well before I found out about the money (or lack of). I got some of the best campus housing, the best educational opportunities, the best barn opportunities to help me and Geronimo.
Now we are going to hope for the best.

Thought for the day: What God gives, God may take away. Don't even think that you can control anything in your life.