
Creative Commons License
What I Would Do To Avoid A Mental Breakdown by Janna Herchenroder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Oh Handsome Knight....sigh

           Don't lose hope for your knight in shining armor; He is there. There is someone out there who thinks of you at every moment, who will open every door hoping that you are behind it. There is someone who would travel through the endless desert sands, the deepest reaches of the deadly ocean, if he could find you. He would call every morning just so the first voice you hear in the morning is his, and the first person he speaks with is you. Who would try everything to find a way to make you happy, to comfort you when you cry or are in anger. Fix me.
          When I cry, I wrap my arms about myself and try to delve deeper inside where it is safe, isolated, and the same. I plead for you to drag me out, but I shouldn't have to. When I laugh, you ask me why, and only when you learn the reason will you laugh - if only at me. There are more important things that hold your attention.
           There is no human man out there that is capable of loving endlessly, being truly romantic without guile, or thinking of only one woman. After coming to this realization you have a few options: a dog is really your best bet for hugs, adoration, laughing when you laugh, loyalty. and listening; God is always sitting right next you, ready to listen, to take on your pain, your joy, your love. Just remember that humans are never going to always be there for you; unconditional anything is simply beyond their mind capacities and abilities.
           Meanwhile, so many of us will be sitting on our steps waiting for Prince Charming to come searching for only us. I suppose I will treat this entry as a checklist.

Thought for the day: Don't be afraid to have high standards...but don't let yourself wait around forever.

1 comment:

  1. your soulmate may be hoping and longing just like you. i think in order to recognize each other when you do meet, you both must be "actively waiting".
    you're on the right track. embrace yourself, Jesus is right next to you, no space between you two. you are HIS one and only. His love for you is "fiery intense". He is dying for you to know what's so wonderful about you!
    pray for your knight in shining armor. make sacrifices for him. Most of all gaze into perfect love's eyes. He wants to help you see what He sees. Become, more and more, wonderful you, full of His kind of love. The kind of love being formed in you this way will give you the power to love your knight through every storm and battle till the end of time.
    you are never alone. you will never be all alone.
