
Creative Commons License
What I Would Do To Avoid A Mental Breakdown by Janna Herchenroder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Paper Airplane

Flitting about the room
Trying to find an escape,
Perhaps at the window with its invisible bars
Whirling in deceptive twists and turns
Repeatedly flapping its wings against the glass
But the scrawling script that spots its tail
Adds weight and drags it to the floor.

If you lose your paper airplane,
People might see the thoughts
That you wanted so much to fly away;
The only part of you that could.
 So it must be kept locked in the room
With painted clouds and a cold, dark sun.
It’s fancy display is
The choreography of your thoughts
Not simply paper and ink.

You did not choose a tree trunk
Because you know that these thoughts
Are not forever.
You did not choose the bathroom wall
Because your pen most certainly
Would run into another’s hands.

No. you chose to write a chain of letters,
Forming thoughts
On a folded piece of paper
That is a fleeting bit of
your soul on a biplane.
If you had told me,
What you wrote,
I would have typed it down here,
For the world to see.

Copyright  "darlyarabian" and affiliates

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