
Creative Commons License
What I Would Do To Avoid A Mental Breakdown by Janna Herchenroder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

a Poem in Response to Poetry Class

This is a rough draft. My professor wanted me to be more "nitty gritty" with my poetry and wanted them to be darker and more shocking; I wrote this as a way of disagreeing with this evaluation and also to give her what she wanted :) Enjoy!


The white page is carven
with pools and hesitant streams of
my lifeblood that pumps from
the desecration of my aortic valves.

Curious eyes of poetry professors glint with excitement;
the biology major opening the stiff cat
to find the prize of preserved kittens inside.

This paper is the formaldehyde 
Preserving my diction
That becomes
The stiffened legs of your specimen.
Your pen seeks out my story,
of a new mother raised in a crate
that just wanted the peace
of kittens at her teats.

Your pen scratches at my story,
Drawing blood,
And says that I should dwell in that cage
and kittens should not dictate
my mindset.
 It was my rough tongue and warm nose
That would greet my future.

My organs and veins
absent of life,
an exhibition of fascinating misery
and tortured solitude
is not an expression of who I was
and want to be.

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