
Creative Commons License
What I Would Do To Avoid A Mental Breakdown by Janna Herchenroder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Friday, March 25, 2011

should i stay or should i go?

I suppose that it is a good thing to be torn between two things that you love. It means that you have options and that both of those options would be satisfactory. The problem is that if i choose would that mean that i would forever miss the other option? 
So many times I feel like God is pushing me out the door to get on with my life. "Go to Ireland, Janna, just go for it". But the problem is in order to leave i must become unattached to my life here and now. My pony, Geronmo (the spotted one) got hurt and might not be rideable and my horses were a main reason for me to stay... i just wish i could take everyone with me. I wanted to take Geronimo with me...which would be difficult but worth it if her were a sound horse. 
I am lost. I can see what i want in 10 years, the whole problem is that the whole picture is impossible. Depressing :\ but whatcha gonna do? I guess that's why I write...because in this way, it can become true...see?
I don't know...
Thought for the day: Make sure you consult your head AND your heart before doing anything!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm. Any goal needs a bit of a plan. Since you say you know what you want in 10 years but you haven't told us what that is I would guess that you are a little afraid to share it publicly... How about you find someone who you could share the goal with to help you figure out if there may be a path to that goal. Maybe someone who isn't close to you like a college professor, or one of the people who plan out programs??? or your sister, who does love you and knows you? Or Sal? All good people who listen...
    If you find there is a way you get there one step at a time...Not overnight. Good things evolve, they don't usually just happen....just sayin'
