
Creative Commons License
What I Would Do To Avoid A Mental Breakdown by Janna Herchenroder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Importance of a Nest

I haven't been able to sleep lately. Just shutting my eyes for any period of time was beyond me with everything going on in my head. I would just bolt up and decide that I should make a list, just to get all my worries down on paper where I could handle them tomorrow. Even after I threw my thoughts up in ink, I would wake up at the oddest hours and panic that my alarm had gone off for work. Tea seemed to be in order.
Sleepytime tea should really do the trick as well as calm my allergies that were scratching the back of my throat. So I got into bed,  read a little bit of Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier (my favorite author, whose books I have read countless times), and started dozing off to some music. Then out of nowhere, I realized that I only had about two more weeks of this.
For you to understand, I must tell you how I feel about my room. For starters, my bed is awesome. It is so big and comfortable, with a hole I created by sleeping in the exact same spot every night: about a foot wide of space right near the edge on the far side away from the wall. Did I mention it was a queen size bed? I don't use about 3/4 of it. I think just knowing that I can have all that space is what's really nice about it. Even if I wanted to move to the other side near the wall I would not be able to. I have tried and I just end up rolling downhill into my nest.
I would be leaving my nest, my big beautiful room with the 4 big windows. My experience of campus life told me that I was not going to have the quiet either. At home I go to sleep to nothing but the sounds of the woods and my dogs barking. There is very little human noise polluting my dreaming air. Except for the Ghost Train that comes by around 5 every morning. We don't have any trains within hearing distance from our house; not that we can see anyway. This one chugs along the back of our property somewhere and as far as I know, I am the only one that hears it.
I turn off my music. I can listen to those songs anywhere, but I will not be able to hear this again any time soon. I slept well last night.

Thought for the day: What do you need to hear as you go to bed?
Thought for campus students: This kid gets angry without sleep!!

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