
Creative Commons License
What I Would Do To Avoid A Mental Breakdown by Janna Herchenroder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Friday, March 22, 2013

On A Snowy Spring Day

The bitter snow batters against my window pane. It teases me, reminding me of other snows, other years...other...situations. The bricks of the other dorm, feet from the glass reminds me that this could easily be a cell; but it is one that I enjoy. Like the prisoner that feels safe behind familiar bars, I write to you. I wish that I was a princess in a tower, but my hair is not long enough to toss down to you. The outside world is daunting and I do not want to face it today.

It has been a long time since I wrote in this blog. I feel that I have good reason. Writing is painful. It is a flood of feeling that has broken the dam. And no dam is built for the hell of it. Every time I write I remember. Every memory hurts, whether bad or good, and I believe it is Nietzsche who (if I may paraphrase) says that forgetting is a good thing that makes room for the rest of your life.
I know that many of my friends and family believe that I have made bad decisions and that they judge me for them. I judge me for them too. I cannot help but believe that they were essential factors to who I am.
If I may speak to those few people for a moment or two (and note that I speak to any reader, because my experiences may help you in whatever way your life leads). Do not make mistakes with me, but walk with me through this life; when you stumble, I will grasp your arm, when I fall, pick me up. Let us not chastise each other by saying "pick your feet up higher over the branches", "watch where you're going". There may have been dust in your eye; I may have seen an eagle nesting. If we do chastise each other, let it be after we have picked each other up and dusted off.

Thought for the day:
Chastisement must always be accompanied by action, but action must not always accompany chastisement.

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