
Creative Commons License
What I Would Do To Avoid A Mental Breakdown by Janna Herchenroder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hello all you happy people :)

Well. You don't know me, and I don't know you. I think this is a great way to start! (Do not fear, I am not usually this cheerful). I thought to start I would talk about people. I am told that I am outrageously judgmental, and I suppose I am...but I am know that I am much better at accepting people when they aren't human.
So as I am getting into this, know where my favor lies...But I will save my earthy/life talk for another time. Check it out! Your saved! For now...hehe.
So, as I was writing...people. If you decide to sit in a different chair in class, say the front of the room, or the back, you will see the whole class differently. Maybe (in a non-creepy way) you notice the screen saver on another person's computer. You notice that they have a life, one that is similar to yours. That does not mean that you automatically like that, I certainly don't. But maybe it will allow you a grudging respect.
Maybe by sitting closer to the front of the room, you would be closer to the door. Maybe that means that you will meet someone different as you walk out the door. Maybe that would mean that you would sit next to someone who just needed to feel like they aren't a total pariah. They usually sit alone and though they might like to look like a "lone wolf" they might want to hear someone's voice directed at them, they might want someone to smile at them, instead of being the one to initiate it...
That is my "something to think about today". There is a lot of hate, mostly for no reason, just because of the way someone looks, smells, talks...whatever. I am going to try to just smile at at least one person I don't know today.
Well, sorry for making it short, but I am on a dial-up connection. Whoo Hoo for country technology!! Thanks for reading...

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