
Creative Commons License
What I Would Do To Avoid A Mental Breakdown by Janna Herchenroder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I am the mouse on your kitchen floor

There is something about the upside of a cupboard that says "alone with my thoughts". I slide to the floor. Not so gracefully, but that's okay; no one is watching me. I know this. Even when the room is full of people, there is no one. Their legs are like skyscrapers; they don't feel human, they do not have eyes. 
Below the clouds, there are floorboards that creak as the towers move. Like Tolkein's Ents they are like creatures of another world that even now, impact my own. I must brace myself to this wind, then suddenly, there is no sound.
My eyes are like the lens of a camera, flashing, taking picture after picture. A knot in the golden wood is rough on my hands as I try to remember where I am in the room. It is a close up view of the world that I am used to seeing only as a landscape. I am a mouse on the floor, looking up into the impossibly big world. Unlike such a mouse, I am unafraid. This is a corner of my mind. A place where yes, everything looks big, but everything is up close and I can see its very nature. From down here, the world is going nowhere. There are no windows, no time of day. Just a cupboard, an oven, a turnaround in the corner. All sitting lazily by, not caring whether or not I pay attention to them.
I almost want a bite of cheese.

Thought for the day: Sit alone on your floor!
thanks for reading...

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