
Creative Commons License
What I Would Do To Avoid A Mental Breakdown by Janna Herchenroder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

To go Green you have to have Green!

11 days including today and counting...Final exams are coming up and I suppose I have to start thinking about them. The nice thing about college though is that in between semesters, I have a 5 week break! How sweet is that?
In the middle of all of this, I am watching people signing up for courses to be "on track" for their degree. This is depressing me. I still don't know what to do with my life! What I have noticed (after my mother pointed it out to me) is that this state of mind is almost genetic. I listen to so many people in my family talk about what they have always wanted to do; how they started to go to college for this, if this hadn't happened I would have done this. I know that they would be so much happier if they had actually gone through with the things that they wanted to. To take an art class, to be an opera singer, to teach english overseas, to travel. Now what are they doing? Being not happy.
On the other hand, there are also people in my family doing just what they wanted to do, and all I hear from them is that there are no jobs and there is no money. Then again, is not like those people who did not do what they want are making a lot of money either. I don't know which is worst, honestly. I guess right now, that is what I have to decide. Choosing between two lesser evils.
I just cannot see how having a job with little pay would make me happy at all. I need money to build my dream house in Ireland with my underground library (that I would imagine to look something like Belle's in Beauty and the Beast). Without money, I would not be able to build a nice barn with wooden fencing for my horses that would eliminate all my horse problems....
 I'm not trying to be so materialistic. It would just be nice not to have to worry about my horses and to have a house of my own, with books of my own. Contentment is what I seek. I think that is what we all want...I just think I know exactly how I can accomplish this.
Thought for the day: Find ways to be content RIGHT NOW.

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